High School
High School Aerials and Interior Photos

High School Aerials and Interior Photos

we have in stock Colerain, St X, Elder, Lasalle, Anderson. Lakota East and West, Fairfield, Taft, Walnut Hills, Mariemont, Moeller, Kings, Milford, Loveland, Sycamore, Princeton and many more. We take requests for any local high school and continuously update our lists call us at 513-489-3400 to order yours today!
Price: $0.00 

St Xavier High School Aerials

St Xavier High School Aerials

we have St X. Bombers Aerial photographs of the The St X Field in stock call us 513-489-3400
Price: $0.00 

Elder High School "The Pit" 3 image collage

Elder High School "The Pit" 3 image collage

CEI Sports is the primary supplier and exclusive owner of the 3 great images in this history of "The Pit" The top photo is from the roof of the school taken by a panoramic camera that shows the dramatic scene of the first "West Side goes worldwide" game against Colerain. The middle photograph is an aerial photo taken from 500ft above the ground by the local aerial photographer, Charles Sotto, and is a very highly sought after picture. The third photo on the bottom is the St X vs Elder game from 2008. All of these photographs are exclusively owned by CEI Sports Inc. Accept no substitutes ! Our photos are printed on metallic paper only. Call us for more info on this product 513-489-3400
Price: $0.00 

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